Beam is the most transparent and flexible way to get news that matter to you in real time. You subscribe to searches, we monitor a huge number of sources - information agencies, magazines, blogs - and as soon as we have something that matches your searches, we send you push notifications in real time. On top of that, you have a beautiful feed where you can scroll through the articles that we deliver to you.
In your news feed, you can easily see all the searches that a particular article matches.
You can also add the ones you like to a list of favorites - which is always available to you, on all your devices. You can share your favorite articles on facebook, sort by date, title, category; you can also view a list of trending articles.
Beam also supports a "Near Me" feature where you can specify a search radius - and we only send you matches if the event in the news happens at a location near you.
A great thing about Beam is that we only monitor hand-selected, top quality sources of information, and we also dont flood you with irrelevant news.